Fireball explosion is accompanied by generation of a powerful electromagnetic impulse. It is a source of intensive x-ray radiation. The basic contribution to radiation to a visible spectrum is given by not isothermal plasma of a cover. Presence of a water film at a fireball proves to be true supervision of several light shades at it, "exotic" black fireballs, and as features of its movement.
In the given work (1) the substantiation of plasma model of the nature of a fireball is resulted. At the heart of offered model the magnetic configuration – sferomak lies theoretically predicted bessilovaja. It arises in the channel of a linear lightning at repeated categories in development areas on it instability of type peretjazhek. Initial poloidalnym as a magnetic field the weak magnetic field of the Earth serves. In the course of compression tokovoj covers poloidalnoe the magnetic field increases and becomes comparable with an azimuthal magnetic field pincha. As a result of reshort circuit of power lines poloidalnogo a magnetic field in area peretjazhek are formed bessilovye magnetic configurations with the closed magnetic field which are a fireball basis. Depending on number merged bessilovyh cells energy and the sizes of a fireball can change largely. In external area, for seperetrisoj, power lines of a magnetic field nezamknuty also leave in infinity. The basic energy in it is reserved in the form of energy of a magnetic field.
On border with air the thin cover of not isothermal plasma is formed. In it on internal to separatise surfaces the diamagnetic current shielding it from a magnetic field plazmoida proceeds. On an external surface of a cover of not isothermal plasma there is the double electric layer which is a potential barrier for elektronov. As a result of intensive condensation of steams of water on negative and positive ions in air on border of a double layer the water film is formed. Water molecules play also an important role in formation klasterov in a double electric layer therefore the size and energy of a stream of ions essentially decreases. Besides, not isothermal plasma of a cover serves as the reflective screen for intensive cyclotron radiation elektronov from central bessilovoj to area. As a whole, the external cover of a lightning is the effective thermal and magnetic screen. Vsledstivii strong electrostatic pressure in a double electric layer the energy density in a fireball reaches an order of 10 Dzh/sm3.
It is known that spljusnutyj besilovyj feromak is a steady magnetic trap. As a result of partial absorption of cyclotron radiation the electronic temperature in a cover of not isothermal plasma is supported.
In a consequence of various speed of diffusion elektronov and ions the central region plazmoida is charged by a negative charge. The fireball possesses also electric and magnetic dipolnym the moments directed along its axis of symmetry.

Appearance of a fireball
It moves by gravity, air streams and electromagnetic forces. Its movement at small electromagnetic force is similar to movement of a soap bubble. In electric field of the induced charge in dielektrike (glass) it accepts such position that its direction electric dipolnogo the moment would coincide with a field direction. As a result it adjoins to glass in the field of a mouth of its external magnetic field. The grasped particles leaving along power lines of a magnetic field, rasplavljajut glass in this area, making in it an aperture. Under the influence of a difference of pressure outside and indoors the fireball is poured through this aperture.
The basic energy in it is reserved in the form of energy of a magnetic field. At the form plazmoida close to the sphere form its energy W »H21R3/3. Time of life classical sferomaka t = 2 πσ R2/2 (4, 5) 2.
The fireball weight is defined by weight of a water film. Fireball explosion is accompanied by generation of a powerful electromagnetic impulse. It is a source of intensive x-ray radiation. The basic contribution to radiation to a visible spectrum is given by not isothermal plasma of a cover. Presence of a water film at a fireball proves to be true supervision of several light shades at it, "exotic" black fireballs, and as features of its movement. The blue aura round a fireball is caused by x-ray and ultra-violet radiation. The violet luminescence near to its border is caused elektronami, breaking a potential barrier in double electric field.
Supervision of the connected fireballs, magnetisation of metal subjects etc. specify in presence at it a magnetic field. In a fading stage the external magnetic field can be absent.
The fireball structure is the most exact is described in M.T.Dmitrieva's unique supervision (12).
The conclusion.
By rough estimates plasma density in the central region of fireball N~1019÷1014sm-3, T~104÷105эВ at life time τ = πσ R2/102~1÷10 second Limiting intensity of electric field in a double layer ~ 107V/sm, and, hence, energy density in it W=E2n/4 π ~ 10Dzh/sm-3. This size coincides with size of density of the energy established by Stahanovym I.P. (3) on the basis of observant facts. Thus, the fireball can be a source of neutrons if to fill it dejteriem or other thermonuclear raw materials.
On the basis of the given model it is possible to give the satisfactory description of behaviour of a fireball in various conditions.
Markolija A.I., Priests A.F.
The Sukhumi physicotechnical institute. Suhum. Republic Abkhazia.
The literature.
1. A.F. Priests. Theses of reports 24 Zvenigorodsky conferences on physics of plasma and UTS. February 1997, p. 237.
3. I.P.Stakhanov. About the physical nature of a fireball. energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1985.
12. M.T.Dmitriev. The nature 6, p. 98, 1967.
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