Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The vortical bunch of a radio emission is received

Scientists from the Swedish institute of physics of space and University of Padua (Italy) in simple laboratory experiment have received a vortical bunch of a radio emission.

Scientists from the Swedish institute of physics of space and University of Padua (Italy) in simple laboratory experiment have received a vortical bunch of a radio emission.

Formation of whirlwinds is connected with occurrence on wave front (a surface in which all points light fluctuations have an identical phase) the special points similar to screw dispositions — considered in the physicist of a firm body two-dimensional defects of a crystal lattice. The amplitude of fluctuations in самóй to a special point addresses in zero, and at detour round it the phase changes on 2 π. The disposition sharply changes a kind of wave front, initiating transition from traditional "sheets" to a uniform surface with characteristic screw structure, the Computerra informs.

Structure of wave fronts at absence (at the left) and presence of a screw disposition (an illustration from «Sorosovsky educational magazine»).
The first experiences on creation of the optical vortical bunches which projection to a flat surface reminds a ring, have been spent for a long time. Now laser "whirlwinds" use, for example, in optical tweezers for a manipulation micrometer objects. Last year electronic analogues of such bunches have been shown.

With a radio-frequency variant of a vortical bunch scientists worked in special bezehovoj to the chamber in laboratory of Upsalsky university. For experiments frequency of 2,4 GHz which gets to range Wi-Fi, and the usual aerial of type «the wave channel» has been chosen. The bunch got necessary properties after reflexion from the eight-step reflector established near to the aerial in the form of a spiral staircase which axis coincided with a bunch axis.

To estimate results two reception aerials located in seven metres from a reflector have helped. One of them has been fixed, and the second moved to planes, a perpendicular axis of a radio bunch; having executed measurements, physicists have received distribution of intensity with an expected failure in the centre.

In the near future these experiences will be spent in actual practice — on бóльших distances and in the open air. According to one of participants of research of Fabritsio Tamburini (Fabrizio Tamburini), such technology can be used in a wireless communication: it will provide additional possibilities of coding of the information, and cost of the user devices prepared for work with vortical bunches, will increase slightly.

Results of calculations of intensity of a radio bunch (from above) and the data of measurements (an illustration of authors of work).

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